Privacy Policy

How we store and handle your data

Push On privacy policy

Version: 1.0

Valid from: 20.06.2024

Terms used in this document

  • Privacy Policy (PP): This document detailing how we handle your personal data.
  • Personal Data (PD): Any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.
  • Processing of Personal Data: Any actions carried out with personal data including their collection, registration, storage, use, provision, transfer, blocking, or deletion.
  • Data Controller: The entity responsible for determining the purpose and means of processing personal data, hereinafter referred to as "[Company Name]".
  • Data Processor: A party that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.
  • User: An individual (data subject) from the age of 18 who uses the Site and can be directly or indirectly identified by the data available in the data processing system.
  • User's Consent: A free and unambiguous expression of the will of the User through which they give permission to process their personal data for specified purposes.

  Cookies: Small text files generated and stored on the user's device when visiting the Site.
Contact Details

For any questions related to this Privacy Policy and personal data, please contact us at We will respond within 30 days.